Youth Transition Toolkit: A Guide for Young People with Disabilities Transitioning to Adulthood
- Website
- Posted on: 04.12.2012
- Author(s):
- San Diego State University Interwork Institute & California Health Incentives Improvement Project
- Abstract
The Youth Transition Toolkit is a comprehensive resource guide for youth with disabilities ages 12 to 28+. The overall objective is to help transitioning youth become better prepared and more successful transitioning from youth to adulthood. It provides information and resources on transition for youth with disabilities, including worksheets and tips for parents.
San Diego State University Interwork Institute & California Health Incentives Improvement Project
A Guide to Dental Care for Caregivers of People with Developmental Disabilities
- Document
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Abstract
Dental care isn't always easy, but you can make it work for you and the person you help. This booklet will show you how to help someone brush, floss, and maintain oral health.
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research at the National Institutes of Health
A Behavioral-Health Information Program (BHIP) for Children and Adults with Disabilities: ABUSE, NEGLECT, & EXPLOITATION
- Document
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Author(s):
- Havercamp, S.M. & Veguilla, M.
- Abstract
The Florida Center for Inclusive Communities (FCIC) has developed health and wellness brochures to provide individuals with developmental disabilities with important information about living a healthy life. All brochures are available to download as pdfs documents. This brochure provides information on how to protect yourself from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
A Behavioral-Health Information Program (BHIP) for Children and Adults with Disabilities: INFANT ORAL HEALTH
- Document
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Author(s):
- Vaughn, B.J., Brace, H., & Havercamp, S. M.
- Abstract
The Florida Center for Inclusive Communities (FCIC) has developed health and wellness brochures to provide individuals with developmental disabilities with important information about living a healthy life. All brochures are available to download as pdfs documents. This brochure provides information about the importance of early oral hygiene for people with disabilities.
A Behavioral-Health Information Program (BHIP) for Children and Adults with Disabilities: ORAL HEALTH
- Document
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Author(s):
- Vaughn, B.J. & Havercamp, S.M.
- Abstract
The Florida Center for Inclusive Communities (FCIC) has developed health and wellness brochures to provide individuals with developmental disabilities with important information about living a healthy life. All brochures are available to download as puffs documents. This brochure provides information about oral health for people with disabilities.
A Behavioral-Health Information Program (BHIP) for Children and Adults with Disabilities: SLEEP
- Document
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Author(s):
- Havercamp, S.M. & Veguilla, M.
- Abstract
The Florida Center for Inclusive Communities (FCIC) has developed health and wellness brochures to provide individuals with developmental disabilities with important information about living a healthy life. All brochures are available to download as pdfs documents. This brochure provides information about sleeping difficulties, the importance of sleep, and resources for help with sleep difficulties.
Checklist for Readily Achievable Barrier Removal
- Website
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Author(s):
- US Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
- Abstract
Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act requires public accommodations to provide goods and services to people with disabilities on an equal basis with the rest of the general public. The goal is to afford every individual the opportunity to benefit from our country's businesses and services, and to afford our businesses and services the opportunity to benefit from the patronage of all Americans. This resources provides a checklist for existing facilities to follow to acheive barrier removal.
Community Action Guide
- Document
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Author(s):
- Charles Drum, Marilyn Berndinelli, Patty Pickett-Cooper, Gloria Krahn, Willi Horner-Johnson, Brian Ritaco, Pania Wasfi
- Abstract
The Community Action Guide outlines the principle underlying community engagement and strategies for successful engagement. It's a practical hands-on guide that includes step-by-step descriptions of the community engagement process, checklists for conducting successful events, toos for assessing the access in a given community. examples of how the community Engagement Initiative process has been applied.
Cost as a Barrier to Care for People with Disabilities NCBDDD Fact Sheet
- Document
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Author(s):
- National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD)
- Abstract
In all states, people with disabilities are more likely to report costs being a barrier to care compared to people without disabilities. Interested in your state? Use this resource to determine how costs might limit access to health care among people with disabilities compared to those without.
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD)
Disability Healthcare Access Brief
- Document
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Abstract
Obtaining and maintaining health insurance coverage and quality healthcare is a critical issue for everyone in the United States, but people with disabilities face additional barriers to receiving adequate healthcare. This resource addresses the needs of individuals with disabilities and statistics and stories that demonstrate where the healthcare system lacks to address these needs.