Disability and Health in New York State
- Website
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Resource Provided By:
- New York Disability and Health Program
- Abstract
The New York Disability and Health Program is one of 18 states funded by the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) to create programs to prevent secondary conditions and promote the health of people with disabilities.
Disability and Health Objectives, Healthy People 2020
- Website
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Resource Provided By:
- Health and Human Services (HHS)
- Abstract
This section of Healthy People 2020 focuses on promoting the health and well-being of people with disabilities. The U.S. Census 2000 counted 49.7 million people with some type of long-lasting condition or disability. An individual can get a disabling impairment or chronic condition at any point in life. Disability is part of human life, and an impairment or condition does not define individuals, their health, or their talents and abilities.
Disability and Health: Data & Statistics
- Website
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Resource Provided By:
- National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD)
- Abstract
This site provides current data and statistics on the health of people with and without disabilities in the United States. The site offers links to relevant data sources and data tools.
Disability Healthcare Access Brief
- Document
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Abstract
Obtaining and maintaining health insurance coverage and quality healthcare is a critical issue for everyone in the United States, but people with disabilities face additional barriers to receiving adequate healthcare. This resource addresses the needs of individuals with disabilities and statistics and stories that demonstrate where the healthcare system lacks to address these needs.
Disability in Practice Webinar on Peer Support
- Video
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Author(s):
- Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)
- State Collaborator(s):
- Amputee Coalition, Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, Spina Bifida Association, Montana Disability and Health Program, Oregon Office on Disability and Health
- Abstract
Many public health, health promotion and human services programs use elements of peer support as a way of connecting people with shared experiences and program goals. For example, online health communities and social networks can help connect people with similar health conditions and can play a supporting role in navigating the health care system. This webinar provides examples of public health programs that have used peer support as a tool for involving and motivating participants and impacting public health outcomes. Panel members shared specific examples from their programs, and participated in a question and answer session on this issue.
Disability in Practice Webinar on Work with Tribes/Native Americans
- Video
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- State Collaborator(s):
- New Mexico, Arizona, Amputee Coalition, Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, North Dakota
- Abstract
This webinar provides examples of how public health programs have impacted health outcomes for tribes/Native Americans. Presenters shared specific examples from their programs, and participated in an interactive question and answer session on this issue.
Disability Prepared: Exchanging Best Practices in Disaster Planning for People with Disabilities
- Website
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Resource Provided By:
- Research and Training Center on Independent Living Life Span Institute
- Author(s):
- Cat Howland, Drew Rosdahl, Tiffany Huggart-Lee
- Abstract
This new interactive website is a clearinghouse that brings it all together for you to learn from and duplicate: the very best practices to meet the disaster-related needs of people with disabilities.
Disability Emergency Preparedness Resources
- Document
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Abstract
This disability preparedness document provides practical information on how people with and without disabilities can prepare for an emergency. It also provides information for family members of, and service providers to, people with disabilities. In addition, this site includes information for emergency planners and first responders to help them to better prepare for serving persons with disabilities.
Electronic Tool Kit of Training Resources for Medical, Dental, and Nursing Students
- Website
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Author(s):
- Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)
- Abstract
In response to the Surgeon General's A Call to Action to Improve the Health and Wellness of Persons with Disabilities, the U.S. Office on Disability, in collaboration with the Department of Labor Office on Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), initiated a National Work Group to ensure that medical, nursing and dental students receive training in providing high-quality care to patients with disabilities.
As part of this work, AUCD and the Training Directors Council are pleased to host the Electronic Tool Kit of pre-service curricular materials, directed to the needs of patients with disabilities, for use by medical, nursing and dental schools. Whenever possible, we have indicated where effectiveness studies have been conducted for each tool.
This tool kit has direct links, whenever possible, to web-based materials, and contact information for obtaining materials available in other formats (e.g., DVDs, etc.). The five topical areas are by intended audiences:
- Medical students/residents
- Dental students
- Nursing students
- Interdisciplinary (applicable across two or more of the above disciplines)
- Other (general knowledge about developmental disabilities, family-centered care, etc.)Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)
Emergency Communication: Disaster Preparation, Response and Recovery for People with CCN
- Website
- Posted on: 04.04.2012
- Author(s):
- Pam Kennedy, Diane Bryen, Sarah Blackstone, David McNaughton
- Abstract
Resources to support individuals with complex communication needs during emergencies.